Introduction: Introducing Elise-Gayonne Vernon, a 22-year-old farmer and model from Belize, passionate about sustainable agriculture and breast cancer awareness.

Career and education: Elise-Gayonne's background in Biology and her current roles as a farmer, certified beekeeper, and model.

Personal interests: Elise-Gayonne's hobbies including open water diving, soccer, playing the steel pan and guitar, and her involvement in her local community.

Breast Cancer Awareness: Elise-Gayonne's participation in a fashion show organized by the Belize Cancer Society to raise awareness and funds for cancer patients.

Personal connection: Elise-Gayonne's grandmother's battle with breast cancer and her role as a survivor inspiring her advocacy work.

Fashion show: Elise-Gayonne's involvement in showcasing authentic Belizean designers at the fashion show.

Beauty with a Purpose: Elise-Gayonne's Beauty with a Purpose platform promoting sustainable agriculture to eradicate world hunger.

Passion for agriculture: Elise-Gayonne's deep-rooted passion for agriculture stemming from her family's farm and her experiences caring for animals.

Role as a farmer: Elise-Gayonne's role in managing the farm, providing healthcare to animals, and educating others on humane treatment and nutrition.

Advocacy for agriculture: Elise-Gayonne's efforts to promote careers in agriculture and educate students about the importance of farming for food security and national income.