Introduction: Introducing Ivana Sabeva, a 16-year-old high school student with dreams of becoming an entrepreneur.

Early Aspirations: Learn about Ivana's ambitions and her desire to leave a legacy for the world.

Proudest Moment: Discover Ivana's proudest moment when she encouraged a friend to pursue their dreams.

Miss World journey: Explore Ivana's journey to the Miss World pageant and the discussions it sparked.

Preparation and Support: Find out who stood by Ivana's side during her preparation for Miss World.

Competition at Miss World: Understand the challenges Ivana faced as the youngest contestant at Miss World.

Mixed Opinions: Learn about the mixed opinions regarding Ivana's participation in the beauty contest.

Last-Minute Selection: Delve into the controversy surrounding Ivana's selection as Miss World Bulgaria.

Success as Miss World Bulgaria: Read about Ivana's emotions and gratitude upon being crowned Miss World Bulgaria.

Conclusion: Wrap up with Ivana's own words on her journey as Miss World Bulgaria and her gratitude to those who supported her.