From the reform of vocational-technical institutes to the Made in Italy secondary school: not only theory but also a lot of practice in the school desks school, to help students enter the world of work without having to wait years to find the right job. From January 18 to February 10, families will be asked to enroll their children in the first grades, both elementary, middle, and high school, and will be able to choose new career paths.
A reform that is taking shape in Parliament, aims to achieve highly specialized technical and professional diplomas, as well as to provide a concrete answer to companies that are unable to find qualified employees to hire. Commission VII Senate approved the draft law on the introduction of technical and professional institutes’ new model 4+2: this means that the high school course, which until now lasted 5 years, is shortened to 4 years. Graduates will thus be able to choose to continue their education by accessing the two-year ITS course, highly professionalized and specialized post-graduate technical institutes in various sectors from mechanics to electronics, from Made in Italy to IT.
Its academies are closely linked to the world of work and for this reason, guarantee an “employability” rate that exceeds 90%. Initially, a maximum of 30% of institutes will be able to participate in the 4+2 experiment based on regional distribution. The path will strengthen the teaching of mathematics and Italian without reducing the number of teachers, and more space will be given to Pcto, paths for transversal skills and orientation, earlier rotation of school and work, and also from the second year. To promote learning also about topics that are not exclusively related to classroom teaching, but rather to the world of work, it will be possible to bring teachers from the productive and professional world, i.e. businesses, companies, and local authorities, into the classroom. In this way, students will also be trained through personalized and flexible learning paths.
«We will have a series A technical and professional educational chain – explained the Minister of Education and Merit Giuseppe Valditara – Thanks to the strengthening of basic disciplines and the increase of laboratory and professional ones. This is an ambitious reform: the link between school and business will be stronger and there will also be a strong emphasis on internationalization and research. Our goal is for young people to have adequate preparation to find qualified employment faster and for companies to have the professionalism necessary to be competitive.”
Over the past year, companies’ difficulties in finding qualified staff have increased: a problem that, according to data from the Excelsior information system bulletin, created by Unioncamere with Anpal, involved 48% of companies’ planned recruitment for September and October last year. , which is 5 percentage points more compared to the same period in 2022. A very high percentage that even reaches 60% and 70% for various technical-engineering characters and specialized workers.
Next year, it will also be possible to enroll in the Made in Italy High School: The course will have “the aim – as explained by the Ministry of Trade and Made in Italy – to promote the knowledge, skills, and competencies associated with Made in Italy”. The new high school course will deal with legal-economic topics, so far 99 hours per year of law and 99 political economies are planned and STEM subjects will also be studied, therefore science, technology, engineering, and mathematics with informatics, as well as subjects such as Italian, history and philosophy, two foreign languages and art history. Also in this case, internships in companies linked to the activities carried out in the classroom will be launched to gain experience in the relevant economic-productive sector: even the Made in Italy high school, like ITS, will have to have a strong connection with the world of work.