Home Education Tor Vergata University, selection for Master’s Degree in Economics and Communication and...

Tor Vergata University, selection for Master’s Degree in Economics and Communication and Media Management is ongoing


Selection interviews for master’s studies have officially started in Economics and Management of Communication and Media for the academic year 2023-2024 at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, directed by Prof. Simonetta Pattuglia, who thus reaches XXII. The nearest interview dates will be December 5 at 3:00 p.m., January 25 at 3:00 p.m., and February 14 at 10:00 a.m.

Of the hundreds of students trained over the years, 27% now work in communications, 17% in marketing, 12% in the production or editing of television programs, and 7% in the press; however, the remaining 37% found employment in fields such as the web, administration and control, film production, publishing, and business, including legal consulting.

This shows that in an era dominated by marketing and communication issues such as social media and metaversion, digital innovation and new technologies, sharing and co-creation, branding, and artificial intelligence platforms, it becomes essential to train in an integrated way on these topics. such as accounting, technology and manufacturing processes, copyright, information and information rights, antitrust and privacy, deceptive and comparative advertising, unfair competition, sponsorship and advertising, applications and AI, user experience and user interface, branded TV formats, governance rules in the media industry, multi-channel, and lobbying.

Master’s modules and topics

The Master in Economics and Management of Communication and Media, in phygital and combined Italian and English, is designed as an opportunity to analyze, evaluate, and manage traditional and innovative communication activities in any organization (private, public, profit, and non-profit) and management and marketing activities by companies operating in all industries with a particular focus on the market, including digital, information, communication, media, and entertainment.

There are different modules and topics that course participants will deal with between lessons, laboratories, and workshops with teachers and experts: national and international characteristics of the communication and media industry; marketing and offline communication strategies and activities; online; economics and regulation; economic analysis for decision-making; and project evaluation and financing mechanisms.

Tor Vergata University

Simonetta Pattuglia, Professor of Marketing, Communication, and Media, Director of the MA in Economics and Management of Communication and Media, University of Rome Tor Vergata, states that “the current edition, which represents a concrete transition between the Industrial Internet of the fourth revolution and the fifth characterized by artificial intelligence, which we are beginning to apply in all manufacturing sectors, created a moment of great thematic and application maturation for our students. In a world increasingly characterized by the media convergence of businesses and people, brands, products, and services on digital platforms, our Master’s is positioned as a fundamental moment for training young people or updating executives to provide an integrated vision of the marketing and communication function in light of new technologies. We have passed the tipping point where artificial intelligence and all its implementations have started to generate a new technological, economic, and social revolution that affects and will increasingly affect all industries. It is at this point that our Master’s degree comes in as a training and professionalization center capable of placing high-value human resources in a market adapted to a profoundly changing world.


The Master is the product of advanced training with credit and a law degree, approximately 500 hours of classroom life, research (institutional and commissioned), events (institutional and partner), and publications.

1. train professionals and managers capable of solving economic, managerial, legal, and technological problems in organizations (private, public, profit, and non-profit) that operate in the digital market of communication, media, and entertainment, as well as in all other sectors;

2. to conduct training courses, in-depth seminars, support of learning activities, and any type of e-learning in cooperation with private industries and other organizations active in the field of production, distribution, and control of the markets in which the information transfer operates;

3. to expand the university and commission research and teaching activities carried out by the Department of Management and Law of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” on the economics, management, and marketing of all industrial sectors, with special reference to the management of communication, media, and the entertainment industry;

4. create a system of stable relationships, also focused on location, with the private sector, public administration, and non-profit organizations that operate in the market for digital communication, media, and entertainment.

Statistics of the current edition

The current edition’s students are, as always, a heterogeneous group of factors such as age and degree of origin. 61% of those enrolled are between the ages of 21 and 25; 31% are between 26 and 30 and the remaining 8% are over 30 in a logic of cross-fertilization and intergenerational exchange to simulate an increasingly complex and diverse work environment. 29% of students come from economic faculties; another 29% from faculties from the world of communication; followed by graduates of information sciences (21%), languages ​​(14%), and other faculties such as medicine, archeology, and architecture (7%). In terms of pre-registration employment, 85% are junior and 15% senior (executive).

Seminars, workshops, and laboratories

Within the framework of 500 hours of classroom life and shared work, the Master also includes 6 seminars totaling 60 hours of thematic training in the field, 12 operational workshops with company managers totaling over 150 hours of applied project training, and 6 professional workshops totaling 48 hours of practical training.

Among the partners: Tim, Eikon Strategic Consulting, EGA Worldwide – Congresses & Events, Mc Cann Worldgroup Key4Biz, Rai Cinema, BNL-BnpParibas, ANICA, Agol, SIM-Società Italiana Marketing; among Talkwalker research partners; among Event Partners Vodafone, Birra Peroni, Fiera di Roma, Alet, Justbit, Roma Web Fest, Archi’s Comunicazione. The Master’s network, i.e. companies that systematically select participants, includes more than 400 companies at national and international levels.

“With this master and the prestigious companies that have accompanied him for twenty-two years and all who have joined him, participants and companies will find an interesting forum for the exchange of knowledge and placement in the name – an expanding codification updated on the hard and soft skills typical of the new profession. Coaching, scouting, direct selection, and entry into the world of work ensure 100% placement every year – concludes Simonetta Pattuglia Prof. in Marketing, Communication and Media, Director of the Master in Economics and Management of Communication and Media, University of Rome Tor Vergata. This demonstrates the long-term success of a happy formula that expertly combines practice and theory with the right mix of management teachers and academic teachers to create a very narrow and authoritative faculty. “Messenger” is the media partner of the master himself.


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